evento live streaming diretta dhs event solution tecnologie per eventi organizzazione eventi

Live Streaming for corporate events

Live streaming of corporate events is a form of remote event enjoyment, which became widely used with the Covid-19 pandemic, but which originated much earlier: it was already used, as it is now, in many different fields up to to become an integral part of company-level events, even those in person, which are called hybrid events.

Live video on the web is an increasingly requested service when you want to organize a corporate event in a professional way and the reason is simple: it allows you to easily expand the audience of an event and make it more attractive and easier to use.

In this way, even those who cannot physically be present at the event can participate and interact: in this way, the organizers can choose locations for more functional corporate events.

The company benefits enormously, also improving the perception that others have of the brand since, although live streaming is very widespread and used, at a company level it has gained ground in recent years, so those who choose it are already perceived as an innovator.

Organizing a professional live streaming is a fairly important and decisive way to improve the diffusion of your brand and accessibility to your events.

Why organize your live streaming with a company specialized in the events sector

Choosing professionals in the sector allows you to avoid unnecessary errors that arise from lack of knowledge of the technologies best suited to the organization and management of the live event.

Not only that, this will create a great return on the image of the company itself: the suppliers of technical services for events specialized in live streaming act promptly with professionalism, avoiding errors and malfunctions that can compromise the success of the event.

The advantages of relying on a professional technical director are several:

  • A product completely similar to a television broadcast, very different from a simple “Zoom” call
  • Optimal and professional quality in the audio/video and lighting sectors
  • Connection stability and image fluidity
  • Attractive, personalized and professional graphics created specifically for the event
  • Moderation of participants with the creation of waiting rooms
  • Recording of content in full HD and 4K quality.

Plan a live stream for a corporate event

The live streaming must be planned from the first contacts between the customer and the technical partner, in which the event begins to be planned, so as to be sure to carry out all the inspections necessary to choose the best and most suitable technologies for the location: this is a fundamental aspect that makes it easier to contact the best suppliers, guaranteeing excellent services and technologies.

evento live streaming diretta dhs event solution tecnologie per eventi organizzazione eventi

The flow of live broadcasts: incoming, outgoing or both?

To create a live streaming of the event, it is necessary to establish whether it must be managed “incoming”, “outgoing” or whether it involves both types.

An incoming live broadcast is that type of live broadcast that is broadcast during the event from outside: for example, the contribution of one or more members of the Board of Directors who are not physically participating, but who want to send their greetings or make a speech.

An outgoing live broadcast, on the other hand, is one that starts from the event itself and reaches an external audience, perhaps loyal customers who we want to thank for their support by letting them participate in the event.

You can also choose to organize an incoming and an outgoing live broadcast at the same time: the real difference lies in the platform to be used.

The best platforms for professional streaming

Once the type of flow has been established, the most suitable platform must be chosen.

There are free or low-cost services, such as Livestream or Restream, which offer some more tools and better quality: however, a disadvantage is represented by the watermark present in the free version, which can be eliminated by paying a monthly subscription.

Finally, the most suitable solution, usually, for streaming an event is that of the dedicated server which has structured costs based on the user base and duration of the live event.

It is a professional solution that allows the player to be inserted directly into the customer’s site, the navigation data remains the property of whoever buys the server and the player can be customized and branded: furthermore, it is possible to monetize the views of the event.

Live streaming of the event: a real opportunity for companies?

The live streaming of an event can be very simple to organize by choosing the right tools, but there are several potential obstacles: the slightest mistake can block everything and ruin months of organization.

To avoid all this, it is always better to rely on experts in the organization and technical events production, who make competence and professionalism their main “mission”.

Well, now all you have to do is turn to DHS Event Solution for the best technical solution for your events!


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