Salone del Risparmio 24, MiCo Milan

A great success for the Salone del Risparmio, now in its 14th edition, which once again recorded large numbers: over 21 thousand people participated in the three-day event, of which over 15 thousand followed in person in the spaces of the South Wing of the ‘Allianz MiCo of Milan, and more than 6 thousand who followed the conferences in streaming on the FR|Vision multimedia platform, official broadcaster of the Show since 2021.

Numbers that are destined to increase further in the coming days, as has already happened in past editions, thanks to the possibility of recovering all the conferences on demand through the platform, where many other original contributions recorded during the event will also be hosted.

With over 120 conferences, the participation of more than 150 companies, of which over 100 sponsors, and more than 300 speakers, as well as over 50 hours of certified training content, the 2024 edition of Salone del risparmio has also been confirmed as the reference point for managed savings.

The numbers relating to participants demonstrate the growing interest not only of the asset management and finance industry in general, but also of the general public who participated in the financial education initiatives of the third day.

The DHS Event Solution technicians took care of the setup and management of the LED wall of the gold room of the conference center: 280 m2 in size with a 2.9 pitch on a Lahyer structure.

“Eccezionali” – Allianz Bank, MiCo Milan
Riva – Ferretti inauguration, La Spezia

Salone del Risparmio 24, MiCo Milan

A great success for the Salone del Risparmio, now in its 14th edition, which once again recorded large numbers: over 21 thousand people participated in the three-day event, of which over 15 thousand followed in person in the spaces of the South Wing of the ‘Allianz MiCo of Milan, and more than 6 thousand who followed the conferences in streaming on the FR|Vision multimedia platform, official broadcaster of the Show since 2021.

Numbers that are destined to increase further in the coming days, as has already happened in past editions, thanks to the possibility of recovering all the conferences on demand through the platform, where many other original contributions recorded during the event will also be hosted.

With over 120 conferences, the participation of more than 150 companies, of which over 100 sponsors, and more than 300 speakers, as well as over 50 hours of certified training content, the 2024 edition of Salone del risparmio has also been confirmed as the reference point for managed savings.

The numbers relating to participants demonstrate the growing interest not only of the asset management and finance industry in general, but also of the general public who participated in the financial education initiatives of the third day.

The DHS Event Solution technicians took care of the setup and management of the LED wall of the gold room of the conference center: 280 m2 in size with a 2.9 pitch on a Lahyer structure.